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Tag: Sets

2020 Week 25: Can you add and remove items from a set?

2020 Week 25: Can you add and remove items from a set?

Lorna’s challenge this week is all about the new set actions available in 2020.2 and was inspired by the training that Bethany recently gave on this topic. Fortunately, I attended this training, so I’m hoping not to have too many problems. The key ability that has been added is being able to individually add or remove members from a set. Think of the old school yard scenario of two “captains” picking members in turn for their teams. Here there are…

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WOW2020 Week 20: How much do these states contribute to the total?

WOW2020 Week 20: How much do these states contribute to the total?

First challenge using 2020.2 features! WOW 2020 Week 20, version 2020.2. As Sean said, lots of 2s and 0s. This time it’s all about the new Set Controls feature which allows users to manually select members of a set in a very similar way to the current filter interface. Sean’s Challenge hereAnd his solution on Tableau Public here My Solution: This challenge involves a map of the US where a user can click on a state to add members to…

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