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Tag: layout

Making waves with Fourier Series, Part 1

Making waves with Fourier Series, Part 1

This is the first entry in this series Making waves with Fourier Series, Part 1 Making waves with Fourier Series, Part 2 As you will have seen from some of my previous posts and dashboards, I rather like combining maths and Tableau. That was the main motivation form the 3d rotating cube. This time I was inspired by a video about visualising how Fourier Series work by Destin Sandin on his Smarter Every Day channel. Click on the screenshot below…

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WOW2020 Week 21: Can you design for an automatic phone layout?

WOW2020 Week 21: Can you design for an automatic phone layout?

This challenge from Lorna focuses on creating dashboards for use on mobiles. As such, the calculations and worksheets are not complicated. It’s all about the dashboard formatting. Lorna links to a handy article from Bridget Cogley, which gives some tips. I think the main idea here is to build the default dashboard layout in such a way that Tableau’s automatic layout feature converts the dashboard successfully into a mobile format. Lorna set her public solution such that it can only…

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