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Tag: charts

How to create a hex spiral unit chart

How to create a hex spiral unit chart

I didn’t manage to finish my “What’ the Harm?” dashboard in time for #IronQuest or with any degree of polish, but I did manage to come up with a new (at least for me) chart type: the hex spiral unit chart. I’m not sure it has that much data visualisation value, but it looks kind of pretty! This article describes how to build one: Background and alternative approaches For my What’s the Harm dashboard, it was critical for me that…

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My First Radial Diagram

My First Radial Diagram

After the recent Workout Wednesday polygon exercises, which relied on calculating x and y coordinates, I decided to try my first radial diagram. Can’t be that difficult, right? Actually, it was pretty easy! It just needed a bit of clear thinking about the calculations. Before I get into how it was built, you can see it on Tableau Public and below: Back to school – Trigonometry Full disclosure: I LOVED this stuff at school! And still do. I created the…

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